Helping a Neglected Starter

If it’s been a few weeks since you fed your starter, I recommend reducing the starter to 1/4 of a cup and adding 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup of water.Leave it to ferment for six to eight hours and see how it does. It should perk up and have lots of bubbles.  This method overwhelms it with food and really gives it a stronger start if your starter has not been acting right. Do this a every eight hours (twice a day) until it’s bubbly all over on the sides and on top of the jar. It may take a few times of doing this or a couple days but it should come back to life with twice a day feedings; in the ratios of 1/4 of a cup starter,  1/2 cup flour, and 1/2 cup of water. Don’t use too much starter!